HD 4490

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HD 4490

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2023-2024.

No description available.

View Enrollment Information

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 3 Credits Stdnt Opt

  • 19900 HD 4490   SEM 101

  • HD 4490 is an engaged-learning course in which students collaborate with the staff of the Sciencenter, a non-profit, hands-on science museum, to examine children's learning and discovery. Students interested in enrolling are invited to complete the following survey: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=ZkN-XZsbz0WOebFLJ99G4XNs6U18FEdCqwaGxrJKbjZUMVUyMUoxVkFBM0NKTVhETFgyNU84VDhVTy4u The instructor will email you with a response as well as a PIN number to enroll by noon on October 31.