NTRES 6100

NTRES 6100

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2021-2022.

As datasets grow larger and more complex across all areas of science, computational skills are increasingly in high demand. This course introduces a series of practical tools that enable researchers to spend less time wrestling with software or repeating error-prone manual data processing and more time getting research done in efficient and transparent ways that facilitate collaboration and reproducibility. We will work in R/RStudio. Topics covered include 1) tidy data formatting, 2) rearrangement, filtering, exploration, and visualization of complex datasets, 3) basic programming, 4) version control with Git and GitHub, and 5) using R Markdown to combine text, code, tables, and figures into reports, websites, and presentations. The course emphasizes practical skill development and is structured around hands-on (the keyboard) learning.

When Offered Spring.

  • Describe strategies for ensuring that their data analysis is reproducible.
  • Demonstrate best practices for coding and project-oriented workflows in RStudio.
  • Import and clean messy data files using a variety of packages and functions in R.
  • Subset, reorganize, and merge diverse datasets in R.
  • Effectively explore and visualize patterns in complex datasets with ggplot in R.
  • Write simple functions/programs and data analysis pipelines in R.
  • Automate repeated analysis tasks in R.
  • Track the history of file changes (version control) and collaborate effectively on scripts with others with Git and GitHub.
  • Use R Markdown to combine text, equations, code, tables, and figures into reports, websites, and presentations.

View Enrollment Information

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Choose one lecture and one laboratory. Combined with: NTRES 6100

  • 3 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  2882 NTRES 6100   LEC 001

    • TR Emerson Hall 135
    • Jan 24 - Mar 15, 2022
    • Therkildsen, N

  • Instruction Mode: In Person
    Laboratory optional.

  •  2884 NTRES 6100   LAB 401

  • Instruction Mode: In Person

  • 18894 NTRES 6100   LAB 402

    • F Fernow Hall G01
    • Jan 24 - Mar 15, 2022
    • Therkildsen, N

  • Instruction Mode: In Person

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: NTRES 6100

  • 2 Credits Sat/Unsat

  • 18893 NTRES 6100   LEC 002

    • TR Emerson Hall 135
    • Jan 24 - Mar 15, 2022
    • Therkildsen, N

  • Instruction Mode: In Person