PLHRT 4940

PLHRT 4940

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2018-2019.

The Section teaches "trial" courses under this number. Offerings vary by semester and are advertised by the Section before the semester starts. Courses offered under the number will be approved by the Plant Sciences Curriculum Committee, and the same course is not offered more than twice under this number.

When Offered Fall or Spring.

View Enrollment Information

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Choose one lecture and one field studies.

  • 3 Credits GradeNoAud

  • Topic: Evaluating a Long-Term Garden Program in Belize

  • 17627 PLHRT 4940   LEC 001

  • Permission of instructor required. To apply and receive enrollment code, contact Marcia Eames-Sheavly (me14).

  • 17628 PLHRT 4940   FLD 801

  • Taught in Belize. Required trip to Belize over spring break. Travel dates are March 30 and April 7, 2019. Student is responsible for RT airfare (~$1300). Travel grants available.