PLHRT 4450

PLHRT 4450

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2018-2019.

The ecology and technology of deciduous tree-fruit production. Topics include basic tree and fruit physiology; orchard renovation and design systems; nutrition, irrigation, and freeze protection practices; tree pruning and training; post-harvest fruit storage; marketing and economic spreadsheet models; monitoring and decision-making systems for integrated pest management; and efficient use of orchard equipment. Emphasizes the agroecology of perennial crop systems, with labs providing hands-on experience in orchard management.

When Offered Spring (offered alternate years).

Prerequisites/Corequisites Prerequisite: two college-level biology courses. Recommended prerequisite: previous horticulture/plant science courses.

Distribution Category (OPHLS-AG)
Course Attribute (CU-SBY)

  • Make critical decisions required for successful orchard management.
  • Find and evaluate essential information sources about orchards.
  • Understand and integrate key ecological, physiological, environmental, and economic issues in sustainable orchard systems.
  • Select the optimal systems for orchard management.
  • Plant, prune, and train fruit trees successfully; and harvest, store and market fruit efficiently.

View Enrollment Information

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Choose one lecture and one laboratory.

  • 3 Credits Stdnt Opt

  • 17442 PLHRT 4450   LEC 001

  • Prerequisites: College-level general biology.

  • 17443 PLHRT 4450   LAB 401