BIONB 4370

BIONB 4370

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2018-2019.

This class examines the neural circuits of motivated behavior. We will critically read and discuss classic and current papers in this subject. Topics may include the neural substrates of goal-directed behavior, threat avoidance and escape, homeostatic behaviors such as eating and drinking, social behavior, and cost-benefit decision making.

When Offered Spring (offered alternate years).

Permission Note Enrollment limited to: 25 students.
Prerequisites/Corequisites Prerequisite: BIONB 2220 and permission of instructor. 

Distribution Category (OPHLS-AG, PBS-AS)

  • Students will be able to critically read and understand the primary literature in motivated behavior.
  • Students will be able to discuss the major current and historical debates in the field.
  • Students will be able to identify questions raised in the scientific literature and use these questions to develop hypotheses.
  • Students will be able to design experiments to test their hypotheses.

View Enrollment Information

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 3 Credits Graded

  • 16156 BIONB 4370   LEC 001

  • Prerequisite: BIONB 2220.