COML 6630
Last Updated
- Schedule of Classes - October 16, 2017 11:09AM EDT
- Course Catalog - June 14, 2017 7:15PM EDT
COML 6630
Course Description
Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2016-2017.
This graduate seminar provides a basic introduction to the thinking of Nietzsche and Heidegger, and to the latter's interpretation and appropriation of the former. A major concern is the articulation of philosophy and politics, particularly in the case of Heidegger. We are also interested in the types of argumentation and styles of writing of both thinkers, including in light of the hypothesis that they were working in the ancient tradition of prudent exotericism, viz. that they never wrote exactly what they thought and that they intended their influence to come slightly beneath the level of conscious apprehension. We also consider their impact on the long list of intellectuals across the 'Left-Center-Right' spectrum, including (depending on seminar-participant interest): Adorno, Agamben, Bataille, Badiou, Bourdieu, Butler, Derrida, Deleuze, Foucault, Gadamer, Irigaray, Klossowski, Löwith, Marcuse, Rorty, Leo Strauss, Vattimo, Zupancic.
When Offered Spring.
Comments The readings are provided in German (and French or Italian in some cases) and in English translations, when these exist. Discussion and papers in English. Students from all disciplines are welcome.
Regular Academic Session. Combined with: GERST 6630
Credits and Grading Basis
4 Credits Stdnt Opt(Letter or S/U grades)
Class Number & Section Details
Meeting Pattern
- W Olin Library 403
Waite, G
Additional Information
The readings are provided in German (and French or Italian in some cases) and in English translations, when these exist. Discussion and papers in English. Students from all disciplines are welcome.
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