FDSC 5500

FDSC 5500

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2023-2024. Courses of Study 2023-2024 is scheduled to publish mid-June.

Provides an in-depth study of the chemical, physical, technological, microbiological and regulatory fundamentals of winemaking. Concentration is on grape and must handling, juice adjustments and treatments, diverse production methods and wine styles, and regulatory compliance. Equipment used in grape processing and wine production is studied. Course builds on previous winemaking course material regarding grape processing and alcoholic and malolactic fermentation.

When Offered Fall.

Prerequisites/Corequisites Prerequisite: VIEN 2204, VIEN 2205, VIEN 2400, and BIOMI 2911, or permission of instructor.

Comments Optional winery field trips.

  • Describe and differentiate traditional red, white, sparkling, and dessert winemaking methods and styles and understand the regulations which control them.
  • Describe and distinguish the technological and equipment options for wine and grape processing.
  • Describe the impact of winemaking methods on water and energy usage and on waste generation.
  • Explain and describe the administrative and regulatory challenges related to winemaking.
  • Describe, recognize, and list common causes and control measures for microbiological, chemical, and physical wine spoilages.
  • Evaluate sanitation in the winemaking environment and relate it to impacts on wine quality.
  • Identify and select appropriate chemical and microbial controls and limits to monitor and control the winemaking process.

View Enrollment Information

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: FDSC 4500VIEN 4500VIEN 5500

  • 2 Credits Graded

  •  2460 FDSC 5500   LEC 001

  • Instruction Mode: In Person