NTRES 3030

NTRES 3030

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2017-2018.

Control and function of the Earth's global biogeochemical cycles. Begins with a review of the basic inorganic and organic chemistry of biologically significant elements, and then considers the biogeochemical cycling of carbon, nutrients, and metals that take place in soil, sediments, rivers, and the oceans. Topics include weathering, acid-base chemistry, biological redox processes, nutrient cycling and limitation, trace gas fluxes, bio-active metals, the use of isotopic tracers, controls on atmospheric carbon dioxide, and carbon cycle models. Interactions between global biogeochemical cycles and other components of the Earth system are discussed. Co-enrollment in one lab/discussion section per week is required.

When Offered Fall.

Prerequisites/Corequisites Prerequisite: CHEM 2070 or equivalent, MATH 1120, and a course in biology and/or geology.

Distribution Category (OPHLS-AG)
Course Attribute (CU-SBY)

View Enrollment Information

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Choose one lecture and one discussion. Combined with: EAS 3030

  • 4 Credits Graded

  •  1254 NTRES 3030   LEC 001

  • Prerequisite: Chem 2070 or equivalent, Math 1120, and a course in biology and/or geology.

  •  1255 NTRES 3030   DIS 201

  •  1256 NTRES 3030   DIS 202